The Prey
The first ring of this experience has been born during a trip to Denmark, where the direct contact with the North Europe art made myself aware of the importance of going out my nutshell of my lab (the umbilical cord cut, in this case with my father having followed his footsteps) and, even more, looking at my work with a different perspective (I am the prey trapped in the web of the walls in ‘Corte Galluzzi’)
The decision is taken, the road is uphill, ma it is defined and going back is difficult. Pingu stares at the crack in the ice and he can see the water which is the road to the new life, to new worlds, he hesitates, but he knows the decision has to be taken firmly and promptly otherwise the crack in the ice may close and a longer time has to pass before other roads will appear. The ring is the Concept of this thought that kept my mind busy between fears and uncertainties. Pingu is definitely a difficult ring like the concept which encloses its meaning.
The Challenge
Now that the game has been started the ‘fight’ has began. Every morning I wake up facing ‘Challenge’, what the market wants, what your competitors do to gain market shares before you. Nevertheless, I still admire and I am somehow attracted by the competitor who are, in a sense, a source of stimuli for me. The Challenge is a two-finger ring, heavy, a ring only a strong and motivated hand can dress, because only having these characteristics I will be able to sustain it.
The Toad The ring shows the intention of the toad to become a prince (the professional recognition) |
The four works displayed showing the artistic evolution
Exhibition at al “Salone Internazionale del Gioiello d’Arte”, Villa Borromeo, Cassano DʼAdda (Milano). Artists at work, demonstration and new projects in the goldsmith’s art.
Smoke |
Il Bianconiglio
Nella favola di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie il Bianconiglio e’ sempre in ritardo, come noi che negli ultimi decenni abbiamo assunto ritmi frenetici per far sempre piu’ cose in tempi minori,non accorgendoci che tal frenesia distoglie i pensieri dal presente e li proietta in un inseguimento continuo di un futuro peraltro mai raggiungibile.